How can finance remain agile in a challenging economy?

Find out the 3 factors you need to address

Before the pandemic, the pressure was on finance “to do more with less people”. Now we face a very different situation, i.e., finance can’t easily increase headcount even if it wanted to. The “Great Resignation”, the pandemic, and market turmoil have depleted the workforce.

In addition, CFOs must confront persistent inflation and possible recession. In a recent survey of 112 CFOs, Deloitte found that 46% expected a North American recession by 2023. Yet, 73% were more worried about continuing inflation than a recession, with the remaining 27% more concerned about a looming recession. All of this means that finance has to be more agile than ever.

So the obvious question is what can finance leaders do to best prepare their companies and bolster productivity and agility for these uncertain, volatile times?

This live 30-minute video-panel debate brings together three exceptional industry leaders and influencers in the finance space.

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